13th October 2023

RAI Conference – Upskilling & Retention Session ‘Overcoming Challenges: Embracing a New Era for Hospitality’

The Restaurant & Hospitality Skillnet will be hosting a EU Year of Skills session at the Restaurants Association of Ireland Annual Conference. The session’s focus is on Upskilling & Retention  and the topic is ‘Overcoming Challenges: Embracing a New Era for Hospitality’.

The event will take place on Monday 13th November from 10am -4:30pm in Carton House, A Fairmont Managed Hotel, Co. Kildare. The event is aimed at Restaurant and hospitality business owners, managers, supervisors and front of house staff.

The Key Objectives of the Session:

  1. To present the findings of the Industry Insights study by Restaurant and Hospitality Skillnet, providing attendees with detailed insights into the current generations working in Irish Hospitality.
  2. Enable businesses in the Irish Hospitality sector to identify and understand the specific training needs of their workforce.
  3. Empower attendees with the knowledge and tools required to strategically upskill their existing employees and train new staff, ensuring they acquire the necessary competencies to deliver high-quality products and customer service.
  4. Provide attendees with insights into creating positive work environments, fostering employee motivation, and implementing effective retention strategies.
  5. Discuss the importance of learning and development in the workplace. Highlight current trends in the field, emphasizing the need for continuous learning.
  6. Showcase the support available through Skillnet Ireland networks and explore the future of learning and development in the context of evolving industry demands and technological advancements.
  7. Raise awareness about mental health and wellbeing in the workplace and educate businesses about the importance of mental health support programs.
  8. Encourage the implementation of supportive policies and practices.
  9. Share exemplary human resource and learning and development practices. Present real-life examples from successful businesses, such as Baxter Storey Ireland, detailing their strategies, sources of inspiration, and actionable steps taken to enhance their human resource practices.
  10. Inspire attendees with success stories and practical examples. Encourage businesses to initiate positive changes in their training, employee management, and mental health support practices.
  11. Facilitate networking opportunities among attendees, fostering collaboration and the exchange of ideas within the industry.

Planned Outcomes of the Session:

  • Strategic Workforce Upskilling: Businesses will be equipped with valuable information to strategically upskill their workforce. They will be provided with practical insights into areas needing development, allowing businesses to invest in targeted training programs for their employees, ensuring they remain competent and competitive in the market.
  • Effective Employee Management: Businesses will gain practical techniques to help reduce staff turnover, foster a motivated workforce, and enhance overall productivity.
  • Insights into Learning and Development Trends: It will enable businesses to stay ahead of industry changes and prepare their workforce for future challenges.
  • Networking and Collaboration: The event will facilitate networking opportunities among industry professionals, allowing attendees to connect, collaborate, and share ideas. These connections can lead to future partnerships, collaborations, and knowledge exchanges, fostering a supportive and collaborative industry community.

Conference Agenda

  • 10.00 am Registration & Tea/Coffees
  • 10.45 am – 11.45 am Stream 1: Upskilling & Retention
  • 11.45 am – 12.45 pm Stream 2: Running a Restaurant in Ireland Today
  • 12.45 pm – 2.00 pm Networking Lunch
  • 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm Stream 3: Digitisation of the Irish Hospitality Industry
  • 3.00 pm – 3:30 pm Tea/Coffee Break
  • 3:30pm – 4:30pm Stream 4: Future of Irish Food Tourism

Ticket Information

Want to attend? You can book your place today by clicking the button below or by clicking HERE.

RAI Member? Contact events@rai.ie to avail of RAI Member Discount Rate.

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