Sustainability for Small Hospitality Businesses

Start Date: 31/12/2024 AVAILABLE ALL YEAR eLearning completed at any time

Duration: 3 hours (complete in your own time)

Location: e-Learning

Full Fee: €70

Network Members Fee: €35

Programme overview

This short e-learning course on Sustainability has been developed for SME Business Owners and Managers to equip hospitality premises with best practices in the areas of water, waste and energy. This is a short course which will provide you with simple approaches and templates to become amore sustainable business.

Once registered, learners will be set up on the e-learning programme and they will receive an automatic email to set a password, log in and complete the training. The training can be completed at any time and does not have to be completed in one sitting, progress of learners will be saved. Upon completion, learners will receive a certificate of completion from Restaurant & Hospitality Skillnet/Restaurants Association of Ireland.

Learning Outcomes

Energy Management:

The learning outcomes from this module are to help you:

  • Understand energy terminology
  • Understand how to work out the average unit cost of a number of energy types used in restaurants
  • Demonstrate how to work out the costs of major energy users
  • Identify a number of energy cost saving opportunities in your business
  • Help you prepare an energy action plan for your business
  • Understand how to benchmark energy consumption
  • Understand carbon foot printing
  • Be aware of energy guidance documents and case studies applicable to the sector

Waste Management:

The learning outcomes from this module are to help you:

  • Understand the impacts of waste and food waste from restaurants
  • Understand why reducing food waste is such an important climate action
  • Identify where and what sectors food waste comes from in Ireland
  • Better understand the types of food waste generated in restaurants including preparation, plate, unserved and residual.
  • Identify what food waste costs restaurants and the formula for calculating this.
  • To measure food waste in a businesses and benchmark using the food waster per cover method.
  • List typical actions to take to reduce food waste including segregation, measuring and benchmarking, investigation and action.

Water Management:

  • Assess water use in your business, total use and costs, and comparison with benchmarks
  • Identify your main water users
  • Identify the main actions you can take to reduce water use in your business
  • Recognise that being efficient with water is both a sustainability action and a cost saving measure
  • Understand that saving hot water will save both the cost of water and the cost of the energy used to heat it

Who is this course for?

Those working in F&B within the industry.



Content Covered:

Energy Management:

  1. Introduction
  2. Energy Terminology
  3. Understanding Energy Costs and Bills
  4. How to identify your main Energy Users
  5. Key Energy Actions
  6. Key Energy Areas
  7. Renewable Energy
  8. Carbon Management

Waste Management:

  1. Introduction & Food waste in Ireland
  2. Food waste in Irish restaurants
  3. Reducing Food Waste in Hospitality Businesses
  • Segregation
  • Measurement
  • Investigation
  • Action

– Find your inspiration

Water Management

  1. Water costs: Do you know the how much you spend on water?
  2. Water consumption: Do you know how much water you use?
  3. Water Benchmarking: Are you consuming too much?
  4. Leaks: Do you have a leak?
  5. Water users: What are your main water users
  6. Water Actions: How can you reduce water use?

Subject Matter Experts – Clean Technology Centre

The Clean Technology Centre (CTC) at Munster Technological University (MTU) was established in 1992 and has been active since, providing support and assistance to governments, the EU, national agencies, the business community, local authorities and communities. CTC is widely accepted as one of the leading organisations in Ireland promoting sustainability and one of the oldest.


CTC Mission


The Clean Technology Centre is an independent body, whose mission is to advise and assist business, government and society alike towards a more sustainable pattern of consumption and production. The integrity and reputation of CTC ensures its unbiased assessment of environmental issues.

CTC is neither a State Agency, nor a private consultancy. It is rather a national resource allowing all concerned with resource efficiency and sustainability to avail of a pool of expertise which is not aligned to industry, government nor any sectoral organisation.

The goal of the CTC is to move consumption and production patterns towards more preventive approaches, ensuring a carbon efficient society. Resource efficiency and the circular economy bring economic, social, health, safety and environmental benefits.